B.A. (General) Journalism Semester-I Paper-GE-CC-1 Solution (2018)

1. Answer any ten questions from the following:

(a) Name one basic element of news.

One basic element of news is timeliness. News is typically about events that have happened recently or are currently happening, and it is important that news is reported in a timely manner to keep the audience informed and up-to-date. This means that journalists must be aware of the latest developments and report on them as quickly as possible. Timeliness is one of the key factors that differentiates news from other forms of information, such as feature articles or opinion pieces.

(b) What is proximity in news?

Proximity is another basic element of news. It refers to the geographic or cultural closeness of an event to the audience. In other words, news that is geographically or culturally closer to the audience is generally considered more newsworthy.

For example, a car accident in the local community is more likely to be considered newsworthy than a car accident that happened in another state or country. Similarly, a news story that is about a topic or event that is culturally relevant to the audience is more likely to be considered newsworthy. This is because news that is closer to the audience is more likely to have an impact on their lives and be of interest to them.

Proximity is just one factor that can make a story newsworthy, and it is often considered alongside other elements such as timeliness, significance, and conflict. Together, these elements help journalists determine which stories are most worth reporting on and which are most likely to capture the audience’s attention.

(c) Who is Chief-Sub-Editor?

The Chief Sub Editor is a senior editorial position in a news organization. They are responsible for overseeing the work of sub-editors, who are responsible for editing and proofreading news stories before they are published.

The Chief Sub Editor’s responsibilities typically include:

  1. Managing a team of sub-editors, assigning tasks and ensuring that they meet editorial standards and deadlines.
  2. Reviewing and editing news stories for accuracy, clarity, and style.
  3. Working with reporters to develop and refine story ideas and angles.
  4. Collaborating with other editors and senior staff to ensure that the news organization’s editorial policies are upheld.
  5. Staying up-to-date with industry developments and trends in news reporting and editing.

Overall, the Chief Sub Editor plays a critical role in ensuring that the news organization produces high-quality, accurate, and engaging news content.

(d) What is the full form of BBC?

The full form of BBC is British Broadcasting Corporation. The BBC is a public service broadcaster based in the United Kingdom, and it is one of the largest media organizations in the world. The BBC is funded by a license fee paid by UK households that own a television, and it provides a wide range of news, entertainment, and educational programming across its television, radio, and online platforms.

(e) Who is the editor of Ananda Bazar Patrika?

As of my knowledge cutoff of September 2021, the editor of Ananda Bazar Patrika was Mr. Anirban Chattopadhyay. However, it’s possible that the editorship has changed since then. Ananda Bazar Patrika is a leading daily newspaper in West Bengal, India, and it has a long history of journalistic excellence and social impact.

(f) Name two news agencies of India.

There are several news agencies in India, but two of the most well-known ones are:

  1. Press Trust of India (PTI): Founded in 1947, PTI is the largest news agency in India. It provides real-time news coverage of national and international events to its subscribers, which include newspapers, television channels, and online news portals.
  2. Indo-Asian News Service (IANS): Founded in 1986, IANS is a privately owned news agency that provides news coverage and features on a wide range of topics, including politics, business, sports, and entertainment. Its clients include newspapers, TV channels, and online news portals in India and around the world.

(g) 5Ws and 1H.

5Ws and 1H is a formula used in journalism, writing, and investigation to gather and organize information about a news story or event. The formula consists of six questions, which are:

  1. Who: Who is involved in the story? Who are the key players or stakeholders?
  2. What: What happened? What is the main event or issue that the story is about?
  3. When: When did it happen? What is the timeframe of the story?
  4. Where: Where did it happen? What is the location or setting of the story?
  5. Why: Why did it happen? What are the reasons or motivations behind the events of the story?
  6. How: How did it happen? What are the methods or processes involved in the story?

By using the 5Ws and 1H formula, journalists and writers can ensure that they have covered all the essential aspects of a news story or event and that their reporting is comprehensive and accurate. The formula is a useful tool for organizing information and structuring a news article or report.

(h) Name one sports reporter of the newspaper you read.

There are many sport reporters around the world, but one well-known sport reporter is Erin Andrews. Andrews is an American sportscaster and television personality who has covered a wide range of sports, including American football, basketball, baseball, and hockey. She has worked for a number of prominent media outlets, including Fox Sports, ESPN, and the NFL Network, and she has received numerous awards and accolades for her reporting and commentary.

i) Where is the solus ad positioned in a newspaper?

“Solus Ad” is a term used in newspaper advertising that refers to an advertisement that is the only ad in its particular category on a page. It is a type of advertisement that stands alone on a page and does not have any competing ads in the same category.

Since solus ads are designed to stand out and draw attention, they are often positioned in prominent locations within a newspaper, such as on the front page, on a full page, or on a page with minimal or no other advertising. The exact positioning of a solus ad within a newspaper can vary depending on the publication’s layout and design, as well as the specific needs of the advertiser.

(j) What is a masthead?

I believe you may be referring to “masthead,” which is a term used in publishing to refer to the listing of a publication’s staff and editorial board. The masthead typically appears on the editorial page or on a page near the front of the publication, and it provides readers with information about the people responsible for producing the publication.

In addition to listing the names and titles of the publication’s staff and editorial board, the masthead may also include other information, such as the publication’s contact information, mission statement, and editorial policies. The masthead is an important part of a publication’s branding and identity, and it helps to establish the publication’s credibility and authority.

(k) According to Harold Evans, how many words should a good intro have?

Harold Evans, a well-known British journalist and editor, wrote extensively about the art of writing in his book “Essential English for Journalists, Editors and Writers.” In the book, he emphasized the importance of writing clear, concise, and compelling introductions to news articles.

While he did not specify an exact word count, Evans advised that a good introduction should be “no longer than it takes to get the key facts across.” He recommended that writers aim to convey the essence of the story in the first paragraph or two, using strong and active language to grab the reader’s attention and draw them into the article. Ultimately, the length of the introduction will depend on the complexity of the story and the style of the publication, but in general, Evans believed that brevity and clarity were key to writing effective introductions.

l) Name any two international news agencies.

There are several international news agencies that provide coverage of news and events around the world. Two of the most well-known ones are:

  1. Reuters: Founded in 1851, Reuters is a global news agency that provides real-time news coverage and analysis on a wide range of topics, including politics, business, finance, and technology. It has correspondents and reporters in over 200 locations worldwide, and its news is syndicated to media outlets around the world.
  2. Associated Press (AP): Founded in 1846, the Associated Press is an American news agency that provides coverage of events in the United States and around the world. It has correspondents and reporters in more than 100 countries, and it is known for its coverage of breaking news and in-depth reporting on a variety of topics, including politics, sports, and entertainment. Its news is distributed to media outlets globally.

(m) What is dateline?

In journalism, a dateline is a line of text at the beginning of an article that indicates the location and date of the reported events. It typically appears in all caps and is separated from the body of the article by a comma.

The purpose of a dateline is to provide context and give readers a sense of where and when the events in the article took place. This information is particularly important for breaking news stories, as it helps to establish the timeliness and relevance of the reporting.

A dateline may include the name of the city, state or province, and country where the events occurred, along with the date or dates when they took place. Some datelines may also include additional information, such as the name of the reporter or the publication that is reporting the news.

(n) Where do you find the Letters to the Editor?

In most newspapers and magazines, the letters to the editor section is typically located near the editorial page, which is usually found towards the front of the publication. The letters to the editor section provides a forum for readers to express their opinions and provide feedback on the publication’s content, as well as to respond to articles or opinions expressed by other readers.

Letters to the editor are typically written by readers, and they can cover a wide range of topics, including current events, politics, entertainment, and more. Many publications have specific guidelines for submitting letters to the editor, including word limits and rules for formatting and content. The letters to the editor section can be a valuable source of insight into readers’ opinions and concerns, and it can help to foster a sense of community and dialogue among readers and writers.

(o) Name one columnist of a newspaper published from Kolkata.

2. Answer any five questions from the following :

There are several columnists who write for newspapers published from Kolkata, but one well-known columnist is Swapan Dasgupta. Dasgupta is a Kolkata-based journalist, political commentator, and author who has written for a number of Indian newspapers and magazines, including The Telegraph, The Indian Express, and The Times of India. He is known for his conservative views and his analysis of Indian politics, and he has received several awards for his work in journalism and commentary.

(a) What is Feature?

In journalism, a feature is a type of article that typically focuses on a specific person, event, or topic in a more in-depth and narrative way than a news article. Features often provide more context, analysis, and background information than news articles, and they may be written in a more subjective and creative style.

Features can cover a wide range of subjects, from human interest stories to investigative reporting to cultural trends and lifestyle topics. They may include personal anecdotes, quotes from experts, and a variety of multimedia elements, such as photos, videos, and infographics.

Features are often longer than news articles, and they may be published as standalone pieces or as part of a regular series or column. They are generally written by experienced journalists who specialize in storytelling and creative writing, and they can be a powerful tool for engaging readers and providing a deeper understanding of complex issues and events.

(b) What is Third Editorial?

Third opinion (3O) is a means to request an outside opinion in a content or sourcing disagreement between two editors. When two editors do not agree, either editor may list a discussion here to seek a third opinion.

As you noted, when two editors on Wikipedia cannot agree on a particular issue, they may request a “third opinion” by posting a description of the issue on the Third Opinion page. A third editor who is not involved in the dispute can then review the issue and provide an objective opinion on how to resolve the disagreement.

This process is intended to help promote consensus-building and collaborative editing on Wikipedia, and it can be a useful tool for resolving disputes in a fair and impartial way. However, it should be noted that the “third opinion” process is not a binding decision, and editors may still need to engage in further discussion and negotiation to reach a final resolution.

(c) What do you mean by Deck Headline?

In journalism, a deck headline is a secondary headline that appears below the main headline of an article. The deck headline is typically smaller in size and provides additional information or context to the main headline.

The deck headline can be used to provide a more detailed or descriptive summary of the article, to highlight a particular angle or aspect of the story, or to include a quote or other relevant information that supports the main headline.

Deck headlines can be an important tool for drawing readers into an article and providing them with a quick preview of the content. They can also help to break up the text and make an article more visually appealing and easy to read.

(d) What is Middle Column?

In print journalism, the term “middle column” usually refers to the central section of a newspaper or magazine that is typically reserved for the most important news stories, feature articles, and opinion pieces. The middle column is often considered the most prestigious location in the publication and is intended to grab readers’ attention and draw them into the content.

The layout and design of the middle column can vary depending on the publication, but it typically includes a mix of hard news, analysis, and human interest stories, as well as opinion and commentary pieces. The middle column may also feature images, graphics, and other visual elements to help illustrate the content and make it more engaging for readers.

Because the middle column is seen as a prime location for important and compelling content, it is often highly sought-after by writers and editors, and can be a key factor in determining the overall tone and focus of a publication.

(e) What kind of printing machine is found in today’s newspaper organisations?

Today’s newspaper organizations typically use offset printing machines to produce their newspapers. Offset printing is a high-volume printing process that involves transferring ink from a printing plate to a rubber blanket, and then onto the paper.

Offset printing machines are capable of producing large quantities of newspapers quickly and efficiently, and they can print in a range of colors and formats. These machines use rolls of paper that are fed through the press, and they can produce newspapers in a variety of sizes and styles, from broadsheets to tabloids.

In recent years, some newspaper organizations have also begun to incorporate digital printing technology into their operations. Digital printing machines use inkjet or laser technology to print directly onto paper, and they can produce smaller quantities of newspapers or other publications with faster turnaround times. However, digital printing is still not as widely used in the newspaper industry as offset printing, which remains the industry standard for high-volume production.

(f) District correspondent.

A District Correspondent is a journalist who works for a newspaper or news organization and is assigned to cover news and events in a particular district or region. District Correspondents are responsible for gathering news, conducting interviews, and reporting on events and issues of local importance to their readership.

The role of a District Correspondent may involve attending local government meetings, covering events such as festivals or fairs, and reporting on issues such as crime, education, and the economy. They may also be responsible for developing relationships with local sources and stakeholders, and may work closely with other journalists and editors to ensure that their coverage is accurate, balanced, and timely.

District Correspondents are typically based in the district or region that they cover, and they may work independently or as part of a larger news team. They may be required to work long hours, and to meet tight deadlines, particularly when covering breaking news or events of national or international significance. Overall, the role of a District Correspondent is an important one, as it helps to ensure that local communities are informed and engaged on the issues that matter to them.

(g) What do you mean by News Source?

In journalism, a news source is a person, organization, or other entity that provides information to journalists for the purpose of creating news stories. News sources are critical to the practice of journalism, as they provide reporters with first-hand knowledge and insights into the events and issues they are covering.

Sources can be classified into different categories, depending on the level of access they provide to information. For example, a “deep background” source might provide information that can be used in a story, but cannot be directly attributed to them. An “off-the-record” source might provide information that cannot be used in a story at all, but that can be used to guide further reporting.

In order to protect the confidentiality of their sources and the integrity of their reporting, journalists typically do not reveal their sources to the public. However, they may sometimes use anonymous sources or “source familiar” attribution to describe the level of access and reliability of a given source.

Overall, news sources play a crucial role in the process of news gathering and reporting, providing journalists with the information and perspectives they need to create accurate, informative, and engaging stories.

(h) What is Soft News?

Soft news, also known as feature journalism or human interest stories, refers to news stories that are typically more lighthearted, entertaining, and focused on personal stories, rather than hard facts or breaking news events. Soft news stories often include elements of human interest, such as personal anecdotes, profiles of interesting people or organizations, or feel-good stories that highlight positive outcomes or events.

Soft news stories can be found in a variety of media formats, including print, broadcast, and online news sources. They may cover a wide range of topics, from lifestyle and entertainment to travel and culture, and may be written or presented in a way that is meant to be more engaging or entertaining than traditional news reporting.

While soft news stories may be seen as less important or hard-hitting than traditional news, they can serve an important role in informing and entertaining readers and viewers, and can help to create a more diverse and engaging media landscape.

3. Answer any three from the following :

(a) Describe the functions of a Sub-Editor.

A sub-editor, also known as a copy editor, is a professional who is responsible for reviewing, revising, and editing written content in order to ensure accuracy, consistency, and readability. The primary function of a sub-editor is to ensure that written content is error-free, easy to read, and in line with the publication’s style and standards.

The specific duties and responsibilities of a sub-editor can vary depending on the publication they work for, but generally, they are responsible for the following functions:

  1. Editing and revising written content: Sub-editors review written content to ensure that it is grammatically correct, free of spelling errors, and in line with the publication’s style and standards. They may also rewrite or restructure content to improve clarity and readability.
  2. Fact-checking and verification: Sub-editors are responsible for verifying the accuracy of the information presented in the written content. This involves conducting research, checking sources, and ensuring that all claims and statements can be supported by evidence.
  3. Collaborating with writers and other editors: Sub-editors work closely with writers and other editors to ensure that content is consistent with the publication’s goals and standards. They may provide feedback and suggestions to writers, or consult with other editors to resolve issues and ensure that content is of the highest quality.
  4. Checking layout and design: Sub-editors may also be responsible for reviewing layout and design elements of the publication, including headlines, captions, and other visual elements. They ensure that the layout is easy to read and consistent with the publication’s style and standards.

Overall, the role of a sub-editor is critical to the success of a publication, as they ensure that written content is accurate, consistent, and engaging, helping to maintain the credibility and reputation of the publication.

(b) Define news. What are the different types of news generally found in today’s newspapers?

News can be defined as timely and relevant information about events or occurrences that are of interest to the public. News is typically presented through various media channels, including newspapers, television, radio, and online platforms.

In today’s newspapers, there are several different types of news that are typically presented. These may include:

  1. Hard News: This type of news covers current events, politics, crime, and other serious topics. Hard news is typically presented in a straightforward, objective manner, with a focus on accuracy and timeliness.
  2. Breaking News: This refers to news that is happening in real-time, as it is unfolding. Breaking news can cover a wide range of topics, from major events such as natural disasters or terrorist attacks, to smaller stories such as traffic accidents or local crime incidents.
  3. Feature News: This type of news covers human interest stories, lifestyle, and entertainment news. Feature news stories are typically more in-depth and detailed than hard news stories, with a focus on storytelling and engaging the reader.
  4. Sports News: This covers news and updates related to sports, including scores, statistics, and information about athletes and teams.
  5. Business News: This type of news covers updates and trends in the world of business and finance, including stock market updates, corporate earnings reports, and news related to specific industries.
  6. Opinion and Editorial: This includes editorials, opinion pieces, and letters to the editor, which offer a viewpoint or commentary on current events and issues. These pieces may be written by journalists, experts, or members of the public.
  7. Weather News: This covers weather-related updates, including forecasts, warnings, and information about severe weather events.

Overall, the types of news found in newspapers will vary depending on the publication, the audience, and the focus of the news organization. However, these types of news are generally found in most newspapers, and provide readers with a diverse range of information and perspectives on current events and issues.

(c) The Reporter is the most important person in a newspaper. —- Justify.

While the reporter is an important part of a newspaper team, it would be inaccurate to say that they are the most important person in a newspaper. In fact, a newspaper is a complex organization that relies on the contributions of many different individuals to produce high-quality, informative content for readers.

That being said, reporters are a critical component of a newspaper team, as they are responsible for gathering information, conducting interviews, and writing stories that inform the public about important events and issues. They often have to work under tight deadlines and may need to navigate complex or sensitive situations to get the information they need.

Reporters must also have strong writing and communication skills, as well as a deep understanding of the subjects they cover. They may specialize in certain areas of coverage, such as politics, sports, or business, and may need to cultivate sources and build relationships within these areas.

Overall, while the role of the reporter is vital in producing high-quality journalism, it is also important to recognize the contributions of other individuals in a newspaper organization, including editors, designers, photographers, and other staff members who work together to produce the final product. A successful newspaper relies on the collaborative efforts of many individuals, each with their own unique skill sets and perspectives.

(d) What is Column? Discuss the qualities of a columnist.

In journalism, a column is a regular feature or opinion piece written by a columnist, who is a journalist or commentator with a unique perspective on a particular subject. Columns often appear in the same section of a newspaper or magazine and can cover a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, entertainment, sports, and more.

A successful columnist must possess several key qualities to produce compelling and informative columns that resonate with readers. Some of these qualities include:

  1. Expertise: A columnist should have a deep knowledge and understanding of the subject matter they write about. This allows them to provide valuable insights and analysis that goes beyond basic reporting.
  2. Strong writing skills: The ability to write well is essential for a columnist, as they are tasked with delivering their thoughts and ideas in a clear, concise, and engaging manner. They must also have a unique voice and writing style that sets them apart from other writers.
  3. Creativity: A good columnist should be able to approach their subject matter in creative ways, offering fresh perspectives and unique insights that capture the reader’s attention.
  4. Objectivity: While columnists are often opinionated and take strong positions on issues, they must also be able to maintain a degree of objectivity in their writing. This means being fair and balanced in their analysis, and avoiding personal biases that may cloud their judgment.
  5. Relevance: A successful columnist must be able to connect with their readers and address issues that are relevant and important to them. This means staying up-to-date on current events and cultural trends, and finding ways to connect with readers on a personal level.

Overall, a successful columnist is a skilled writer, thinker, and communicator who is able to offer unique insights and perspectives on a particular subject. They are often highly respected and influential figures within their field, and are able to use their platform to inform, educate, and inspire readers.

(e) The News Editor co-ordinates all the departments and is truly known as the ‘Functional Chief”.

The News Editor is a senior-level editorial position within a newspaper or news organization. Their primary responsibility is to oversee and manage the entire news gathering and production process, from identifying stories and assigning reporters to editing and producing the final product.

As the functional chief of the newsroom, the News Editor is responsible for coordinating and managing all the departments involved in producing a newspaper, including reporters, photographers, copy editors, page designers, and more. They work closely with these teams to ensure that all news content is accurate, fair, and balanced, and that it meets the high standards of journalistic integrity and ethics.

In addition to managing the day-to-day operations of the newsroom, the News Editor also plays a key role in setting the editorial direction and vision for the organization. They work closely with senior leadership to develop and execute strategies that align with the overall mission and values of the news organization, and that resonate with readers and viewers.

Overall, the News Editor is a critical role within any news organization, as they are responsible for ensuring that the newsroom operates effectively and efficiently, and that the organization delivers high-quality journalism that informs, educates, and empowers the public. Their leadership and management skills are essential for the success of the news organization and its ability to fulfill its important role in society.

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