The Power of Habit

Chapter 1

In this chapter the author shows two different expirement that how powerful habits first one is about a normal lady and the second one is on a patient who’s brain part got damage because of a virus.

So lets first know the first one.

I really dont remember her name but scientist where gathering people who left their habits.

One of them is the lady that the author mentioned.

She quit her bad habit of smoking, but how scientist wanted to know.

And asked her about it.

So started sharing her story.

She said I went to Turkey with my husband for a vacation, but it turned out to be my greatest nightmare.

Actually my husband was in love with an another women, and I got to know about it in turkey.

She was living there, so my husband life me there, I didn’t know what to do.

Do you such an uncertain event I started to drink, and I got so drunk that I went to that woman’s house full of anger and started cursing.

After that when I was coming back I started lighting up my cigrte.

But it was not a ciggrate it was a pin.

When I got my concisioness i realized what I did. And how I acted.

I was looking at the desert.

That day I told my self why am getting so depressed, I should know my worth and pleged that I will come here again and go to that desert as fully changed person.

From that day I stopped smoking.

After sometime I started to go to jog at the time I used sit and smoke.

Then the author started saying this little thing of changing an habit and replacing it with a new one changed her life.

Another research was on a patient who some how got infected with a virus which get into his brain.

The part of the brain which is responsible for storing our memories from past and collecting new memories.

When her wife knew about she couldn’t believe what happened.

When was admitted to the hospital he was forced for the treatment but the doctors where saw that what the virus has done.

The patient name was Eugene Pauly.

After a few days he started chating with nurses and doctors but he used to forget everymoment at a very short amount of time.

When he went back home the doctors said to take care of him don’t remove site from him as he forgot 3 decades of his life.

And he cannot recollect any further memories.

Because of uncertain behavior his wife after some time took her to a specialist.

There he saw a woman working on a computer, He said wow this is amazing you at my time we used to have big machines as heavy as rocks.

And started repeating it again and agian as for him it never happened as he was forgetting it everytime and its new to him.

The doctor tarted to ask him question related to him.

He asked him his name and age.

He replied I am Eugene Pauly and I am around 50 years old.

But he was actually 79.

As he forgot 30 years of his life.

When they went back home it was normal for Paul, he used to rest in his bedroom but after few minutes who used go to the fridge cook some eggs, bring some other things from the kitchen sit on the sofa and watch history tv.

His case was similar to a patient who contribuated a lot to science named EB, who was a boy who fell from a bicycle and damaged his brain.

But to be surprised Eugene was walking and speaking fleuently.

He started visiting him in his home.

Her wife used to take him in walk as it was his routine and not used to leave him alone as he might get lost and never return back home again as they shifted close to doctor’s chamber.

One day Eugene was not at home his wife got worried where he went. As he used eat, and sit on the sofa and watch tv.

She started to worry went to search for him but couldn’t found him.

When she returned home she saw that Eugene was sitting on sofa and watching History TV.

She asked where did he went, but he couldn’t remember anything.

She saw dusts on his clothes which get into them when they go for the walk. She started to think how was he able to remember the road and came back to home.

She counselted it with the doctor. From that day he used go for walk alone and come back safely.

Once the doctor visited his home and ask him questions.

Like where is the kitchen draw the way for me.

And draw the paths in his home.

He answered I don’t know.

Articles: 47

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