2 Reasons for Using Your Time Effectively – (2021)

You may have learned about the ways to use your time in the right way but for using your time effectively you need some valid reasons as without it the ways are useless as the reasons are the only thing which is going to inspire and motivate you to use your time correctly.

You may have learned about the ways to use your time in the right way but for using your time effectively you need some valid reasons as without it the ways are useless as the reasons are the only thing which is going to inspire and motivate you to use your time correctly.

And to solve this problem of yours I am going to share with you 2 Major Reasons to use your time effectively.

I have covered the First reason in this Youtube video in Hindi so if you are a video lover then check it out.

Or If you prefer blog post to video No Problem I wrote this post for you you can continue reading it.

So without any further ado, Let’s Dive Into It.

Having A Purpose In Life

Having a Purpose in Life? Ishan, How can it help me to use my time correctly and many more questions are coming to your mind at this moment.

but I want to share with you that it is important because it will give you clarity of vision and will also help you to know what is more important in your life and where you should use your time.

And a lot of Great and Successful People think a Lack of Purpose/goal in life is the reason for wasting time.

Without a purpose, you are like a man on a road who don’t know where to go so you are going to waste your time by going here and there that’s why having a Purpose in Life is so important and the reason for wasting time

You Have a Fixed Time in this World

We live like we are immortal but it is the harsh reality that one day we are going to leave this lovely world of ours.

We think we are going to live in this world forever and because of that, we waste a lot of time so we have to fix this problem.

but How?

The answer is by asking questions to ourselves.

What are the questions we should ask ourselves for clearing your confusion I wrote some of the questions below.

1. One day I will leave this world so how people will remember me
2. What are the things they are going to think about me
3. Am I doing some good for which people are going to remember me

As you will ask these questions to yourself you will understand the worth of your time and will use your time in the right direction and will try to fulfill it


In this Short post, I have tried to solve the tell you the root cause of time-wasting by sharing 2 reasons Why We procrastinate and waste a lot of our time.

So if you are reading this that means you read it and I hope it may serve some value in your life.

Do not forget to comment if you like it or if you have some thoughts about this post then feel free to share it in the comment section.

Thanks for reading 🙂

Articles: 45