Top 8 Investment you can do in your 20 to 30s – Ishan

Hey there, Today is 19th December 2021 when I am writing my second documentation post of whatever I am learning in my journey.

And today I am going to share with you Top Investments which you can do in your 20 to 30S which I learned from one of the top YouTubers of India Ankur Warikoo he is an entrepreneur and the founder of near buy.

I also want to tell you some of the Investment Ideas which also think are important are also included in the post.

PS: I didn’t know him much before a week or some and his ads used to come in my youtube videos so I decided to watch him and it was a pretty good experience.

So without taking any more time let get started.

  • Books
  • Stocks
  • Courses
  • CryptoCurrency
  • US Stocks
  • Donation
  • Content Creation
  • Blogging


Books are the best investment a person can do most people think that education ends after school and college but that is not true and a person should improve himself until his death to improve by reading self-help books of people who really achieved in life.

As it presents you what are the mistakes the how they overcome their problems and achieve it literally presents you the whole experience of a person’s life and success story.

Which helps you to not make the mistakes that they did in your journey to success.

So buying and reading books is the thing you can do and if you are lazy to buy books then you can use audible hear audiobooks.


Stocks are an investment that guarantees you to give a profitable return in the long run as you know one of the top 10 richest people in the world includes a stock investor you may guess it right I am talking about Warren Buffett.

But it needs a lot of patience as it I, not a lottery which can make you rich in one night and before investing you should analyze the stocks in which you are going to invest and if you are a lazy person like me who don’t want too much headache.

then you can simply invest in an index fund that is made up of top companies of your company and produce an average return in the long run.

As Warren Buffet said don’t put your eggs in one basket if the basket will fall then all your eggs are going to break by eggs he means the stocks you buy don’t put your money only on one company if the business fails all your money will be gone.

And Index Fund also helps you n that it distributes your money to all the top companies of the country which means it’s easy and safe.


You can use courses in two ways:

  • Learnning From Courses
  • Creating Courses

Learning Courses

Courses are the easy way to learn anything you want to improve your skills or learning a new one 10 years back it was hard to take a course as for taking it you must have to go a physical place where a tutor can teach you that.

But in a decade the whole world changed and now it is very easy to take a course sitting in your using digital platforms like udemy or skillshare.

Books are the best investment I said but learning from experts of any field through digital courses is also a good way to improve yourself.

So if you have some money then buy a course which you really need but if you are not earning anything then no worries bookmark this post as I will keep including free courses in it in the near future.

Creating Courses

Now let’s talk about creating courses if you are good at something and the world needs that skill then create a good course on it and sell it at a worth buying cost as it will help you to create a lot of money.

But you may think who is going to buy from you as you are not famous or a public figure then what can you do is first you can give your course for free to a certain amount of people like the first 100 hundred people will get your course for free of cost.

Run ads on Facebook, google and youtube that you have a course on a certain topic and the first 100 people can take your course for free of cost and then ask them to give a review about it.

then run ads that how people are liking your course by showing them those the reviews which you got and start selling your course

But Why do you need reviews? because people like to see what other people are talking about something, In his case about your course which can help you to grab their attention


Currently, the crypto industry is at its boom and people want to invest in it as it can really give high returns because of its volatility.

And Bitcoin is the first Crypto coin that was introduced in 2010 and its price increase from $1 to around $60,000.

After the success of Bitcoin new coins also get introduced like Ethereum, Solana, and the most famous DogeCoin.

Which you can take advantage of trying to invest 20% of your money in cryptocurrency which you can afford to lose in the long run.

Invest in the coins which really have a motive behind creating them like bitcoin was created to take power from banks and make your money decentralized.

Don’t invest everything which you have because of greed as the crypto market is very Volatile and it has the power to make you or take you so be conscious while investing in it.

US Stocks

This is special because I am from India and because of our countries inflation the dollars have much more value than our currency like $1 Dollar is currently worth ₹75 and it is good for us to invest in US stocks as if the company will perform well than it is more profitable for us than US citizens as we are getting also profit because of our currencies value.


What how can donation be an investment it takes our many away from us? that’s what you might be thinking of but you should know an investment is not only about money according to me there is two more investment which also comes instead of money and that is time and happiness.

Yup! Happiness and you can get it only if you have the intention to give something to someone, just think of giving a few bucks to a person who is in need how he will react to it and how you will feel it. Amazing Huh!

And Donation is also not limited to money even a smile to a person is a kind of donation.

Which in return gives you happiness and it is the best investment in the world.

Content Creation

It is also a very good investment which you can do in your 20 to 30s and the most amazing thing is you can start creating content today at this moment without having any just by investing your time.

And it is amazing you don’t need fancy equipment to start it like I am writing this part of an article in my on my note-taking app which I can transfer later to website pretty cool huh!

One more is I also have my personal channel and don’t have any fancy camera or mic I use it by using my I will link on of my right here so you can check how it looks like.

But, It is pretty sure it will take time and should be patient and constantly create it on a regular basis and you will definitely get success on it in a long period of time.


That’s what you reading it’s a blog right! Blogging is one of the effective ways to write or express whatever is in your head and it is free.

And it is great for people like me as it is a great piece of content and really beneficial in the long run.

You don’t know what to write then you can start blogging today by sharing the experience you have Learned.

It is not going to catch I balls immediately as I always say patience is the key to success.

I am writing this post today and don’t know when it will start getting people’s attention and they will read it.

But I know whenever they will read it they are going to learn something from this.


So that’s all that I wanted to share with and I will keep updating this post whenever I will know about investment ideas worth adding to it.

I hope you would have liked it and if the answer is yes don’t forget to share it with your friends or group who really need to know about it.

Share with me which one of the ideas you

One more thing if you know about any investment idea not included in the post then comment it down I will check it out and if it is really valuable then I will include it in the post.

Thanks a lot for Reading 🙂

Articles: 47