How to Start Web Development or Coding?

Hey Folks, If you got interested in programming or coding by watching youtube videos of making video games with coding the first thing you may search on google or on youtube is how to start coding.

It is not that easy as you are thinking but if you are really interested in it then may you not create any games but by making websites and apps you can make a hell lot of money from it.

When I started I was also confused about how and where to start it so I want to share with you the steps you need to take to start coding so I am writing this blog post only to help you and to clear your confusion.

Step-1: The First step is to identify the beginner’s programming language which is Html it represents the structure of the website and then CSS which helps html to look good.

You can watch youtube videos about the basics of html and CSS as it will help you a lot or you can take a course.

I am recommending you a youtube channel whom I follow is Traversy Media they make superb videos around Web development and they also made videos on Html and CSS.

As I know they produce good content and even on my initial level I purchased their course from udemy.

Step-2: The next step you need is to download a text-editor for writing the coding language there are many text-editor like sublime text,, vs-code, and many more.

You can choose any of them but I will suggest you use vs-code as I personally use it and it makes your work easier.

Step-3: Now you know what are the basic languages so create a folder of html and CSS the open it with the text editor after that make a file inside that folder with the name of the index.html.

Step-4: After that, you have to start learning the basics of html and I swear it is not to hard and it may a 1 or 2 week to learn it if you are passionate to learn it.

And When you will learn the Html then you need to start learning Css it makes html to look good as it is also skin of html.


In this blogpost share with you small but crucial steps you need to know as a beginner I hope this post may bring you some value, So if you liked it then
Share it with others who also need this guide.

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